Enlarge an image without losing the quality in photoshop

Sometimes photos need to be enlarged for printing. For this, you have to ensure that the image quality is correct. So that the picture looks clear and good. Open your image in photoshop.

Enlarge an image

Make sure your image mode is CMYK. 

How to check image mode

Go to the "Image menu" then select Mode. The image is in RGB color mode.
Image color mode in photoshop

 We will convert it to CMYK color mode.

How to convert between RGB and CMYK in Photoshop

Make sure your image is flattened. If your image is not flattened, place the mouse pointer over a layer then right-click and select "Flatten Image". Go to the Edit menu, and click on "Convert to profile". Use the dropdown to select your desired color mode, and select the second option of "Destination Space profile": "Working CMYK - U.S, web coated (SWOP)v2". Click on OK.

How to resize an image in Photoshop

Click on the "Image menu" and select "Image size". You will now see adjustable cells for width, height, and resolution.
This image is 4000 Pixels in width and 6000 pixels in height and the resolution is 300 PPI(Pixels Per Inch). For printing, we should keep the resolution of the image 300 PPI. Enable "Constrain aspect ratio". The original width proportion to height is preserved so the image doesn't look stretched or squeezed. 
Image resing in photoshop
We would like to make the size of the image 8000 pixels "Width". Now type 8000 on the width cell. So enabling "Constrain aspect ratio" we can see the "Height" is 12000 pixels of the image.
Ensure the check mark of "Resample" and Resample is "Preserve Details(enlargement) ". Reduce noise is 100%.Click on "OK". 
How to enlage an image

Now we can print the image.

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